InGeoForum Initiatives
„3D Navigation“
The topic 3D city models and their applications occupies many public data holders. one application area in sight is the use of 3D city models in the field of navigation support. This offers significant opportunities for the data holders and organisations concerned with the processing and the end use (e.g. in automobiles).
The independent InGeoForum has adopted this topic initiating round table discussions. After the first successful meeting in 2004 two more round tables were organised in 2005 bringing successfully together quite different parties in the context of 3D navigation.
The following groups were involved:
- Public data holders
- Data holders of the private sector
- Technology companies in the areas of visualisation and equipment
- Automobile manufacturers
Subjects of the rounds were the fields of availability and integration potential of the 3D data, quality and structure requirements of the 3D data as well as possible value-added chains from data provision to the customer.
The lively and constructive discussions during the round tables contributed to significantly develop this topic. For 2005 und 2006 further round tables were on the agenda which lead to a prototype of the valu-added chain. Finally a corresponding information event is planned because the mission of InGeoForum in the pre-competition environment will then be accomplished and the normal market forces can start to work.
„GI(S) in Desaster Management“
Especially with wide-area peril situations and interactions the overview of the overall situation and the extent but also the degree of the individual concernment is of special importance. The question of where something has happened and which is the impact on me and my environment is of central importance, not only for the individual but also for rescue teams and emergency services who have to prevent or handle emergency situations.
Following the well-attended InGeoForum event series GI(S) in Desaster and Emergency Management and the unbroken topicality of this issue InGeoForum has taken up the subject in the scope of a round table. Experts from system providers and users met at a first round table in Darmstadt on 26 October 2005. As one of the main points the demand for networking the different systems in view of the special requirements of desaster management could be identified. For 2006 it is planned to continue these discussions with an broader group of participants.
InGeoForum Events
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Fax: +49 (0)6151/155410
Fraunhoferstraße 5
D-64283 Darmstadt